I managed to convince Connor to come for a quick tour to ski the Y Couloir on Korenge-san, situated above and beyond the top of Tsugaike ski area.

The Tsugaike mountaineering and hiking ropeway above the ski area started running for the spring season recently which made the walk to Korenge extremely quick, taking about 3.5 hours from the top of the ropeway to the top of the mountain.

Once on the ridge we cramponed along the exposed and icy walking track and quickly made the summit.

The sunshine and warm weather had nicely softened all the solar aspects, but the cold wind at the ridge kept the snow at the entry quite icy. But once we dropped down from the ridge we had very enjoyable spring corn all the way to the bottom.

We skied down to the Hakuba-zawa (valley) and out the summer road to the Obinata trailhead.