Hans Anderson and myself are in northern Norway for two weeks of ski touring and we decided on our first ski day to tackle a summit named Store Jægervasstinden located in the northern Lyngen Alps.

But first, we had to get from Tromso to lyngen peninsula and the easiest way to do that is by Ferry.

We were blessed with sunshine, moderate temperatures and little to no wind at elevation meant that the day was perfect for getting up high and having a good look around. We started hiking from the car at 7:00am, which is apparently a very early start for this time of year. It seems most people take a pedestrian start due to the very long daylight hours. We had to break trail the whole way to the summit but we also observed multiple groups following us up the mountain from about midday.

The climb itself is fairly straightforward, proceed up into the valley, onto a pocket glacier and ascend up a bending couloir of about 35-40 degree pitch.
Once we made the summit ridge, it’s on easy boot to the top of the first peak. Store Jægervasstinden is hidden behind this peak and involves a bit of an exposed ridge walk to attain.

All that was left to do was to ski down.
Until tomorrow…