Hans, Sheila and myself drove back to the Lyngen area from Tromso and decided to ski Blatinden. Our goal was to ski the couloir that we had been eyeing from our last Airbnb, on the northern flank of the mountain.

Unfortunately, despite scoping this out from every angle in the bowl at the base of Blatinden, we couldn’t guarantee it to ourselves that the upper and lower sections of the couloir were actually connected. But in our investigations, we came across plan b – a north facing couloir that goes to almost the summit of Blatinden.

So we ascended to the summit of Blatinden to drop into the north facing couloir, but… the day was getting away from us and the entry to the couloir was a bit complicated and went over complex terrain that had started to ice up. We pulled the pin and descended back down our skin track from the summit to the car.