Went for an early morning tour with Ben Jackman up to the summit of the Three Sisters outside Fernie. We ascended up through the front-side of the middle (and tallest) sister. Having previously ascended the same mountain but from the northern side, accessed via snowmobile through the pearly gates, it was interesting to ascend via the much longer approach from the frontside and in much more enjoyable snow conditions.
We departed from town at 5:00am or so in the dark and made it to the summit after 5hr 25mins.

The very top of the summit slope was variable, but the majority of the skiing down was really enjoyable powder then wet-snow.

[map style=”width: auto; height:400px; margin:20px 0px 20px 0px; border: 1px solid black;” gpx=”https://skidescent.com/wp-content/uploads/Three Sisters 170416.gpx”]